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Seedling management of cauliflower seeds after germination

Seedling management of cauliflower seeds after germination

After the cauliflower seeds were sown, the seedlings grew out, and the management of the seedling stage could not be slackened. There are three main requirements to note:

1. Shading: Cauliflower seed Miaozigang is fragile to grow out. After shades shading, can reduce the soil surface temperature 5~8℃, reduce the transpiration of seedlings, avoid wilting, prevent ground compaction.

General seedlings unearthed to the first true leaves appear, every day from 10 o'clock in the morning to 4 o'clock in the afternoon need shade. Later gradually shorten the shading time, until no more shade.

2. Water and Fertilizer management: seedling stage to have sufficient water, seedling temperature is higher, water loss is faster, the early general one day watering once, depending on the actual situation, the real leaves before the appearance of keeping the soil moist, to ensure that the germination rate of cauliflower seeds and seedling uniformity, can not control water, prevent drought so that the seedling aging, In order to promote the healthy growth of seedlings, water management in seedling stage is the key. Watering fertilizer should be carried out in the evening or morning, cold pouring night watering, reduce the ground temperature.

3. Seedlings seedlings: The cotyledons unfold in time to seedlings, leaving 1 strains per acupoint. When the seedlings have 3-5 true leaves can be planted, seedlings too large planting is not easy to slow seedlings.
