Contact: Manager Cui
Mobile: 13791853586Tel: 010-83730833
Address: No. 8th, Block A, new land seed market, Fengtai District, Beijing
Falling Flowers: ① flower bud differentiation is poor. Flower bud differentiation When the temperature is too low, poor lighting conditions, seedlings and other adverse environment can lead to abnormal flower bud differentiation and falling flowers; ② environmental factors cause pollination, poor fertilization, flowering at low temperature, especially the night temperature is less than 12 ℃, pollen tube can not grow normally, easy to lead to abnormal fertilization and falling flowers.
Fruit drop: After sitting in the continuous rain, lack of light, low temperature, premature watering, resulting in plant nutrition growth, long or soil
In the drought and water shortage, the application of nitrogen fertilizer or fertilizer shortage, will cause the fruit nutrition supply imbalance and fruit drop, disease and insect harm is also fruit drop important reason.
First of all, to control the fertilizer, seedling stage do not fertilize, especially nitrogen fertilizer, after noon the top leaves do not have a impotence do not water, the use of multi-paddle grass deep hoe measures, is conducive to improving soil breathability, and cut off part of the surface of the Maucigan, in
Previous: Conditions for high yield of maize seeds