Contact: Manager Cui
Mobile: 13791853586Tel: 010-83730833
Address: No. 8th, Block A, new land seed market, Fengtai District, Beijing
In order to avoid inside shaking injury caused by decay and make zucchini seeds can not be used, so you need to understand how it is kept fresh:
First, the heap hidden: in the empty indoor ground on the surface of wheat straw, the old ripe zucchini seeds of the melon to the outside, Melon top inward code into a round heap shape, each heap of 15-25 melons, to 5-6 layers is appropriate. can also be stored in baskets, baskets do not fill too full, melon baskets stacked to 3-4 layers is appropriate.
Note: The channel should be set aside when stacking code. The temperature in the early stage of storage is higher, the night should open the window ventilation, the day off shading. When the temperature is low, close the doors and windows to the cold, the temperature remains above 0 ℃.
Second, the shelf: in the empty house, with bamboo, wood or steel bar made of layered storage frame, the bottom pad on the grass bag, the zucchini seeds piled on the shelf, or with a crate pad a layer of straw as a container. The heat dissipation effect of this method is better than that of heap hiding, large storage capacity, easy to check, and other management methods are the same as heap collection method.