Contact: Manager Cui
Mobile: 13791853586Tel: 010-83730833
Address: No. 8th, Block A, new land seed market, Fengtai District, Beijing
Cucumber seeds-Yunid 20-6
In the eyes of Ms. Beauty Da Sheng, cucumbers are an important vegetable in their family. Fried cucumber, cucumber, sliced with cucumber face and so on, cucumber in her case, is a kind of can be "internal" and can "external application" of the slimming medicine. The author in Ms. Zheng's home to see, a root bright green cucumber is like a neat arrangement of weapons, in the moment ready for Ms. Zheng's beauty cause to fight. Ms. Zheng told the author that the cucumber she bought was called "Edgar 20-6" and was a cucumber seed introduced from South Korea.
Subsequently, the author contacted Ms. Wang, who worked in Beijing Zhongchuang Zhi Feng International seed Industry Co., Ltd., and Ms. Wang introduced that the 20-6 seeds in the company had been selling very well in their companies and had always been welcomed by growers. "This cucumber seed, resistant to low temperature and weak light, main vine melon mainly, in addition to back melon more, melon strips straight, can grow to 40 cm, six hundred or seven hundred square meters of land, yield up to 20,000 kg is not a problem, at the same time it can also be high anti-Blackstar disease, wilt, anti ”
Previous: Cucumber seeds--Yudes 86-08